05 março 2009

Sea Shepherd Attacks Japanese Whaling fleet. Feb 12, 2007

Sea Shepherd engages in conventional protests and direct actions to protect such marine wildlife as seals, dolphins and whales. Direct actions have included scuttling commercial fishing vessels while in harbor, disabling and "stink bombing" of vessels in harbor and at sea, non-violent but extralegal boarding of whaling vessels while at sea,[8] and seizure and destruction of drift nets at sea. Sea Shepherd has also conducted an intense media campaign against Japanese high-seas whaling and the Canadian sealing industry in particular.

3 comentários:

fataça disse...

Voltando à Time Magazine, o fundador da Sea Shepherd (Paul "qualquer coisa"), foi nomeado pela revista como Herói ambiental do sécuo XX.

debade disse...

estes são mais terríveis que os do "Greenpeace"; é mais na base da força !

FLA disse...

Ò Mascarenhas, tu andaste no vai e não vai, para te juntar a eles!